Gardens by the Bay

I went to Gardens by the Bay today.  I needed to renew my membership: I am a Friend of the Gardens!  🙂

But first, I figured I’d go and have brunch at TWG Tea first at Marina Bay Sands, before heading over.  But by the time I got out of the house and arrived at MBS, it was already noon and I was basically just in time for lunch!  But I resisted ordering something off their lunch menu and just stuck with my original idea of having something breakfast-y.  It was a toss up between scones and eggs, but I figured I need more protein in my diet, so the eggs won out 🙂 I also ordered some tea.  Since I was at TWG TEA, I figured ordering my usual cup of coffee wasn’t the best idea lol so I stuck with what these guys specialise in, and ordered something that sounded like a good substitute for my coffee: Warrior’s Tea!  LOL

After brunch, I wandered over to Gardens by the Bay.  This place never disappoints.

Every time I come and visit, I always go into the two domes, and each time I go in, I always come across a type of flower that I’ve never seen before.  Here are a few new ones that I saw today:


Since I’ve been here so often, each time I visit, I try and take different photos each time, from a different spot or at a different angle.  Here are a few from today:

Beautiful place.

And on a separate note, I am going to be tracking two flights tomorrow: one from London and one from Sydney.  Total excitement!!  😀 And to add to that excitement, I am going to Changi as well!  Woohoo!  I don’t know at this stage at which terminal the London flight will land (I assume T3, as departures to London fly from there), so I’ll keep an eye on the arrivals board.  If it is T3, maybe I’ll head over to the Hello Kitty cafe for a quick bite / drink hehehe

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