Klutziness and exercises

I was a bit of a klutz today: I spilled a little bit of oil on myself when I was cooking lunch; and then I dropped one of our portable speakers on my ankle 😱 As for how one does the latter, I have no idea 🤣 So now, I’m expecting a bruise to form on that ankle. Isn’t that lovely.

I also felt a bit anxious today, my heart was racing. I don’t know why. So I did some mindfulness breathing, which helped a little bit, believe it or not. It helped me focus just on my breathing and staying in the present. Have you ever tried these breathing exercises? It’s haaard. Your mind constantly wanders all over the place. It’s hard to make yourself just focus on your breathing. I have to constantly bring my focus back on to my breathing. But it is quite good, though. I did feel calmer after just ten minutes of this. This is something else that I should do more often!

The other thing that I’ve been doing lately are my stretching exercises for my splits. I’m up to Day 10! Day 10 baby! I’m 1/3 of the way there. It feels like it’s been aaages since I started doing these stretches, when in fact it’s only been 10 days – well, 11, if you count my rest day; 12, if you count my actual start day 😆 But 10 official days of stretching. It’s not getting any easier 😔 I wonder if it ever will!