The days leading up to Chinese New Year

My Chinese lesson was cancelled today. My teacher is spending the Chinese New Year holiday week over at her parents’ place, which I think is a fair drive from her place. I think her intention was to ring me from her parents’ place, but she must’ve been running late for whatever reason. Plus she sounded a little flustered when she rang me to cancel the lesson, so maybe she also felt bad that she had to cancel. And she also doesn’t get paid for the lesson, so she probably isn’t very happy with that either.

So despite getting back those 45 minutes, it still took me foreverrr to finish my next YouTube video. Sighhh… I really need to improve my editing process. It still takes me so long to finish editing just one video ๐Ÿ˜” And here I am thinking of increasing that to 2 videos per week. Pffft! Maybe if I wanted to do YouTube full time and not have anything else in my life! Ooo, doing YouTube full time. That’s a thought. If it paid me enough, then sure, I’d love to! And there are a ton of people who are full-time YouTubers, so why not? ๐Ÿ˜Š

And I’ve also started packing for our staycation ๐Ÿ‘ I plan on heading out to the hotel tomorrow afternoon, so I’d like to have most of my stuff packed tonight so I don’t have to worry too much tomorrow. And I still have to bring my laptop and associated accessories because I’m still working tomorrow. But after tomorrow, we have a few days to relax in the hotel – and for me to do some more filming. Happy days ๐Ÿ˜Š

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