A relaxed and heart-warming Sunday

We moved our Latin lesson to earlier this morning, so N had time to catch his flight to HK this afternoon. We agreed to a 10:45am start – and yet we still struggled to get up in time for it! Argh! We are just not morning people! Will I ever accept this fact?! 😂

We did Paso Doble today, that elusive fifth dance that we never do. And by not working on it, it is keeping us from competing in five-dance Latin events. At least this way, if we keep working on it for at least the next few weeks in our lesson (when we’re in SG, that is), and we keep practising it ourselves, then we can slowly start building it into our repertoire, and before we know it, we’ll be able to compete with it 😊

Oh, we got some feedback from our performance last Sunday from the guests. They described us as elegant! Awww! That’s so nice! That’s exactly how I like to express myself when I dance, so for others to describe our dancing in this exact same way is just so heart-warming 😊 Despite freaking out every time we go out and perform, I do like it when the audience appreciates our dancing. That is, hearing that we’re not boring them to tears! 😂

I then spent the afternoon tracking flights: a friend flew from Canberra to Sydney, and then N’s flight to HK. The Canberra-Sydney flight is nothing: the plane takes off, and as soon as they’ve reached whatever required altitude, they’re needing to get the passengers back in their upright seats in order to land 😂 So basically as N’s flight was hurrying to get everyone on board, the Canberra-Sydney flight was done and dusted. Nonetheless, I find this whole tracking business so much fun 😊

I actually wanted to go back and check out the kites at Marina Barrage again today, but it was quite warm this afternoon, so I changed my mind and stayed home and read a bit instead. I ended up taking a nap too, since I had such a disrupted sleep last night, no thanks to Little Miss. It’s that time of year when even I can’t survive without the aircon. Summer is here, baby! The only time in the year when it’s warm enough for me to go swimming 🏊‍♀️

Kites and dinner

We didn’t have Chinese class today, so we took our time getting up. We took it a bit too leisurely: we had brunch at 12:30pm! 😂 Sighhh… But it’s nice not to have anything to get to on a weekend morning 😊

We then went to Marina Barrage, this nubbin off Gardens by the Bay, to watch people fly their kites. It was Kite Day, well, it’s actually Kite Weekend. There were some pretty kites, but some just stayed asleep for the hour or so that we were there 😔 They were the larger kites, so maybe it just wasn’t windy enough for them to get up off the ground. Such a shame. So I’m wondering whether or not I could be bothered heading back there again tomorrow. Let’s see 😊

And then in the evening, we went and had dinner with some friends. They had a two-for-one offer, with a minimum of four people, and they needed us to make four 😂 It was a buffet dinner, so it was a pretty good deal! 👍