Happy birthday SG

We have run out of toilet paper in the house 😂 I thought I’d be able to last until Friday, but I clearly missed that estimate! This is one of those times when being an underbuyer can cause problems… I won’t buy something unless I absolutely need it. Even to the point where I may run out of something! So I will have to stop by the supermarket tomorrow 😊

I watched the National Day Parade on tv today. They have it every year in SG, to commentate the years since the country’s independence. It’s quite a nice parade. I like it because it’s all about celebrating the nation and its people. It’s very patriotic. We don’t have anything like it in Oz. It’s sorta like Mardi Gras or Anzac Day, but for the whole country, if you know what I mean. I guess it’s easier to do something like this in a small country like SG. It’s just really nice, and it brings all of the people together, reminding everyone of just how far the nation has come in its very short life (53 years young today!). They also involve a number of Singaporeans, so they really make it all about the people too. It’s a nice touch on this very significant day in the country’s history.

So that cheered me up a bit. I wasn’t feeling all that happy today 😔 I spoke to my parents briefly, and my mum was cheerful as always. She has such a lovely approach to life, always so happy and energetic, despite whatever crap life throws at her. I don’t know how she does it. I have to channel her vibe more.

I did make it to the gym tonight, which was good. It was one of those days where I went just to keep the habit in place, if that makes sense, not to break any Personal Bests or anything like that. Tomorrow I may go to Gardens by the Bay, though. I need a bit of a pick-me-up, and Gardens seems to be able to do that for me 😊