Asian dramas and languages

I came across this on Twitter today, which I really needed to see. I’ve been mentioning my shite trading the last few days, and I’ve been feeling rather dejected with my recent results. So seeing this has actually perked me up a little. Maybe I should make a printout of this and paste it up on the wall, so I can see it every day… 😊

I finished my current Korean drama today, Devilish Joy. I really enjoyed the last episode – in complete contrast to the very first one! The first episode was so bad that I actually gave up on the series initially, but then decided to give it a second chance, as I couldn’t find anything else better to watch. I’m so glad I gave it a second chance, as every subsequent episode was way better than that first one! 😂

But now I am back to feeling empty again, with no Asian drama to keep me entertained. I would like to watch a Chinese drama next, to help me with my listening skills. But it’s only the Korean dramas that are luring me in! Damn, why are their dramas so good?!? 😆

I’m reading Benny Lewis’ Fluent in 3 Months, it’s my non-fiction book at the moment. It’s given me a few tips so far, and is motivating me to push on with my Mandarin. In fact, it’s making me want to venture into Korean and Cantonese now as well! The former because of all these Korean dramas that I’m watching at the moment 😊 and the latter because we’re currently living in a Cantonese speaking city. And of course continue to improve on my existing Japanese knowledge. Never mind the fact that these three languages (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) are notoriously the hardest to learn (along with Arabic) for a native English speaker 🤣🤣 Of all the languages in the world, why do my target ones have to fall into this hard basket?!? 😩 So let me continue reading his book and see what other tips he has about learning foreign languages…

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