
My friend gets a lot of free tickets to different shows, and she had spare tickets to Mary Coustas’ show tonight, This Is Personal. So I met up with her and her partner for dinner beforehand somewhere near the theatre and then we just walked to the show. It was really good! I would recommend it. It goes for an hour with no intermission, and she’s so engaging, you don’t even notice the hour. I can’t believe she delivered an hour’s worth of a performance all by herself on stage almost flawlessly. That was simply amazing. I really enjoyed it. She had little nuggets of wisdom during the performance. I wish I could take notes during the show! πŸ˜… One little nugget was to not take life or yourself too seriously, and that is so true. Sometimes I just take everything too seriously. I need to lighten up a bit. There are times when I do remember that, and life is definitely much more enjoyable during these times.

And another line that I remember from the performance: There are both fairies and f*kwits in this world 🀣 – so true!

She also told me that Burn The Floor is back! She reckons they might offer discounted tickets and to hold off buying a ticket for now. But I want to go! I don’t want to miss out on getting a seat, especially as they only have two performances in Sydney. A lot of the Burn The Floor guys are ex-ballroom and latin dancers, so I always want to watch them. Hmmm… Maybe I should book a ticket now anyway, just in case, since it’s dancing and all! I don’t want to miss seeing it. If it was anything else, I could easily hold off. But dancing is different for me. Especially ballroom and latin. Hmmm…

A ride to dancing

Today we finally got a nice sunny day. So I took our new scooter out for a ride! I was going to ride it all the way to dancing, which is over 5km away, but I was only about halfway to the dance studio when I noticed the time: there was only ten minutes until our lesson and I still had the second half of the route to ride. I wasn’t going to make it. So I quickly jumped on a train for the remainder of the trip. The ride took longer than I expected it to because of the pedestrian traffic, as it was pretty much peak hour when I was riding through. Plus I was taking an unfamiliar route, so I didn’t know the streets, and I definitely didn’t know the footpaths and which side of the road would be better to ride on etc etc. Nonetheless, it was good fun 😊 It’d definitely be more fun if there were less people around, so maybe riding to the vet in the mornings would be quite ok. Although it may be a bit of a bumpier ride for Kitty than what she’s used to! I’ll have to try and do that dry run soon, maybe do it a few times to figure out the best route on the scooter. And then it’ll all be sorted by the time Kitty comes with me πŸ‘

I was actually going to suggest that we skip Latin practice tonight, because I was just lacking energy, but I’m glad we didn’t. Our dances didn’t fall apart as badly as I thought they would. They don’t feel great (will they ever?!), but at least we got through them relatively ok.

This is one of my other favourite quotes from the interweb: “Wow, I really regret that workout!” – said no one ever. Coz I never regret practising. I may drag myself to the dance studio and feel like crap beforehand, but I always feel good afterwards. The dancing may be shite and I may get frustrated at either N or myself (or both of us!) during the session, but I never regret actually putting in the effort to practice and train.

A new blog?

I had this interesting thought today: what if I started a productivity blog? After starting this blog, I have discovered that I am always looking for ideas on how to be more productive, trying things out and tweaking things to better suit my life and my personality. Why don’t I share these experiences and findings with other people, and they can then share theirs with me, and we can learn from one another? Anyway, it was just a thought I had today. I might mull over it some more over the next few days, flesh out the idea and see if it’s something that I want to pursue. Especially given that I already have this blog – which I have committed to writing in on a daily basis – and all the other things that I am already currently doing, this would be yet another thing that I am adding into my life. So yes, this will require a bit more thought…. But productivity, happiness and self improvement are definitely things that I am constantly reading up on, so it would be a topic that I could write many posts on! πŸ˜‚

Ironically, though, I didn’t feel very productive today! πŸ˜† I did stick to my consistency theme, so I can pat myself on the back regarding that. Chinese, trading, dancing and home, all moved at least an inch forward today πŸ‘ So I shouldn’t be so hard on myself! But sometimes the progress just seems so slowwww, y’know? Sighhh…

I actually didn’t feel like sticking with my consistency theme today and just going “f*k it, what’s one day”. But that’s the whole point: you do it regardless of how you’re feeling. Consistency each and every day. Here are a few quotes on this point to end this post – and the day – to provide some motivation:

“A little progress each day adds up to big results.” – Satya Nani

“Success isn’t owned; it’s leased. And rent is due every single day.” – JJ Watt