Ambitious and motivated

I just discovered that I hadn’t seen a few comments to some of my posts here, OMG 😳 I feel so bad that I didn’t respond until now. I apologise if you were one of the people who commented on one of my posts last year and I only just replied back today! 😔

There’s this one YouTuber that I follow because she’s quite inspiring. She’s built her freelancing business to quite a successful one in just a few years. I’ve been thinking about setting up my own business for a while now, but today, she’s motivated me to actually make this happen 😱

So I did a ton of research about how to set up a website and how to create an email list, and also thought a bit more about what type of digital products I could sell. And I learnt a marketing term today: a lead magnet! And I already have an idea for my lead magnet! 😱 OMG I feel like I’m learning so much at the moment. It’s great 👍🏻

So I’ve set a goal for myself to have my website up and running in the next week or two, and to have my lead magnet all set up and ready to get people in to sign up soon after that. But once they sign up, what happens then?? LOL So many things to think about – and then do! 😱

That’s my short-term goal. My slightly longer-term goal is to have my first digital product all created and ready by the end of June. OMG that’s only three months away. Ambitious, I know, but for some reason, having this self-imposed deadline is really spurring me on to actually make this happen.

And now that I’ve told you my plans, I feel like I’m committing that little bit more to this ambitious goal 😱

I’ll keep you posted on my progress!

Is this progress or just dumb luck?

Another good trading day 😲 I am so happy! There were still a few things that could’ve been done better, but by and large, I thought it was a good day 👍 Now what is it exactly that I did yesterday and today that worked out so well?! And am I able to replicate that each and every day going forward?? And was it just dumb luck or am I actually reading the market sentiment much better now? Only time will tell, I suppose!

So that was pretty much my day today 🤣 It was all about trading. Terribly unexciting stuff, you’re probably thinking, but that’s part of the reason why I have this blog: to talk about all the good, the bad, but mostly mundane stuff in my “merry-go-round” life 😂

Achieving my trading goals is one of my more loftier goals this year, so this recent progress (well I hope that’s what it is and not just sheer luck…!) means I’m actually taking the right steps so far 👍 It’s giving me more motivation and also some optimism that these goals are indeed achievable. So I’m just continuing to take it one trade at a time…

A new blog?

I had this interesting thought today: what if I started a productivity blog? After starting this blog, I have discovered that I am always looking for ideas on how to be more productive, trying things out and tweaking things to better suit my life and my personality. Why don’t I share these experiences and findings with other people, and they can then share theirs with me, and we can learn from one another? Anyway, it was just a thought I had today. I might mull over it some more over the next few days, flesh out the idea and see if it’s something that I want to pursue. Especially given that I already have this blog – which I have committed to writing in on a daily basis – and all the other things that I am already currently doing, this would be yet another thing that I am adding into my life. So yes, this will require a bit more thought…. But productivity, happiness and self improvement are definitely things that I am constantly reading up on, so it would be a topic that I could write many posts on! 😂

Ironically, though, I didn’t feel very productive today! 😆 I did stick to my consistency theme, so I can pat myself on the back regarding that. Chinese, trading, dancing and home, all moved at least an inch forward today 👏 So I shouldn’t be so hard on myself! But sometimes the progress just seems so slowwww, y’know? Sighhh…

I actually didn’t feel like sticking with my consistency theme today and just going “f*k it, what’s one day”. But that’s the whole point: you do it regardless of how you’re feeling. Consistency each and every day. Here are a few quotes on this point to end this post – and the day – to provide some motivation:

“A little progress each day adds up to big results.” – Satya Nani

“Success isn’t owned; it’s leased. And rent is due every single day.” – JJ Watt